¡Grita de Alegría!

Full score and instrument manuscript packet
Full score and instrument manuscript packet
Full score and instrument manuscript packet
This is a much-needed collection of Spanish-language responsorial psalm settings for the seasons, major solemnities and feasts of the liturgical year. Arranged for voice, guitarrón, vihuela, guitar, violin and trumpet, the traditional mariachi music of ¡Grita de Alegría! (Shout for joy) will inspire the assembly to proclaim “with exultation” the greatness of our God.
Created especially with the needs of Hispanic assemblies in mind, the collection offers psalm settings for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter as well as the feasts of Pentecost, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Holy Trinity, Body and Blood of Christ, the Birth of John the Baptist, the Assumption and Thanksgiving.
Recorded with excellent musicians and vocalists, ¡Grita de Alegría! stirs the soul with authentic mariachi rhythms and instrumentation, including songs in the huapango, cumbia and polka styles. The 13 original titles include 11 psalms and two canticles.
Full instrumentation for each song is available in the manuscript packet, while the guitar songbook includes voicing and guitar accompaniment parts.